Cancer What Is It Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Steve Newton and I don’t have cancer. But I have a keen interest in cancer prevention and cancer prevention planning. Like me, you probably either have been directly impacted by cancer or you know someone who has. Maybe a family member or close personal friend. (my grandfather died from pancreatic cancer and my father had prostate cancer) Or maybe, like me, you have lost someone close to you or know someone who has died from cancer. I have certainly known many people affected by all types of cancer.

One of the personal values that I cherish very highly has always been that of wanting to help others. Thanks to my parents for demonstrating and instilling that one in our family. I also enjoy writing. So at some point I managed to marry those to passions up with all the notes I had been keeping on my cancer research. I think it happened when I read a short article on some guy who was touting ebook writing on Amazon, or something like that. So I wrote an ebook about my cancer research. (there’s more info about it on the side bar of this blog site)

My general theme throughout the book was to answer those same 3 questions:   “Cancer, what is it? How do you get cancer? and What is the best cancer treatment?” In fact, that turned out to be the title. I also realized that I had accumulated some good information that I could share with others. I figured that anyone who either had cancer or who knew someone with cancer might benefit a bit from it. But more importantly, I realized that it would be good information for anyone looking to understand how to prevent cancer.  So I published it on Amazon.

But I also started putting out some daily cancer tips for a while on my facebook and twitter accounts. After the initial round of questioning about whether I had cancer or not, I started to get some good, positive feedback from folks. So I filed in the back of my mind that someday I would like to maybe do a blog about cancer prevention. So that brings us to this point in my life.

I have decided to establish and maintain this blog. I am looking to post something weekly, working around my regular day job and personal life schedule. I will generally follow the theme of educating readers with what I’ve learned, and encourage them to post and share their knowledge with others. I will also do a monthly book review, as I also enjoy reading. I will include subject matter around cancer diet and nutrition, lifestyle, and personal wellness either through my own personal experiences and/or as I discover them from other sources.

Generally speaking, I will try to educate and inform some decision making around cancer treatment and cancer prevention planning.

Next week, a few words on why I wrote my book in the first place and how I got to this point. Until then ask yourself “do I really want to prevent cancer in my life?”

Thank you for coming to visit my blog and I hope I am able to help you in some small way with your cancer knowledge pursuits.

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